Spreadsheets & Screencastify

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
Today we delved deeper into the meaning of 'share' as related to the Manaiakalani kaupapa. What resonated was the accelerated learning achievements in reading and writing from students who are actively blogging and sharing their learning. Students are motivated and inspired to share with an authentic audience - people (within the classroom, school, locally, nationally, even globally) who choose to click on their blog; people who choose to listen to what they have to say.
NOTE TO SELF: Get Blogging!

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
It's funny, I have these expectations of my students to be able to use screencastify to demonstrate their learning or capability in a certain area or to create a rewindable resource for themselves and others. What I didn't think about and was reminded of today is that it is really quite nerve wracking. Did I make sense? Did I speak clearly? Is what i'm saying even relevant? With practice I'm sure i'll become more proficient and confident in delivering rewindable videos for my students, colleagues and the wider learning community I engage with. Below is the said, 'spreadsheet' video I made using screencastify.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners , capability or workflow in my personal life?
Another neat skill I learnt was how to create graphs through spreadsheets. I watched this really inspiring video of a student at Panmure Bridge School. She had created a screencastify video of her analysing the number of posts she'd made through the year. This student used google draw as a platform to upload a graph, spreadsheet and text box with her analysis of her blogging - absolutely amazing!
So, I would love for my students to be able to do this. I have created another screencastify that i'll embed into my learning site for them to watch and successfully create their own graphs as part of our statistics unit this term.


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