Growth Cycle 2022
This year I have decided to focus on how to design and implement an effective literacy programme in Te Reo Maori. Rationale: My colleagues and I are struggling to deliver an effective Level 2 Te Reo programme. I feel that this year we’re going in blind without having a strong content base of knowledge, strategies, and expectations in Panui, Tuhituhi, Korero. Level 2 is a huge step up from Level 3. I'm also finding examples online of what other Kura use and do, which is extremely difficult. This is why I have decided to focus on designing and implementing an effective literacy programme of Te Reo Maori at Level 2. The programme will then be a crucial resource for all teachers of Level 2 going forward. Strategies: Over the course of this year I will implement several strategies and capture their effectiveness within my classroom. I will share my successes, struggles and general reflections. These include (but are not limited to...) Becoming familiar with the Curriculum documents...