How to use bookmarks within a shared document.
Building Proficient Writers # Bookmarking101 Motivating my students to write can seem at times a really difficult task to accomplish. I've started to use mixed ability groupings, and encourage them to all write within a shared document. This approach enables my struggling writers to get the support they need from their peers really quickly. I'm not sure if you find yourself in the same situation, but my reluctant writers tend to take in the words given from their friends more than they do from me. My proficient writers also love being able to give that help and guidance. We've worked really hard this year on building that strong, supportive culture within our classroom. Self-management is a key goal we strive to instill in all our students also. Building Leaders comes as an added bonus! In our shared writing documents, you may find yourself in a situation where they have tonnes to write about, which leads to the students having to scroll th...